Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I've been thinking --a dangerous past time I know..

I am asked more often than not why the wait for our daughter was SO long. In all honesty, I do not have the ideal answer. I believe so much of the waiting was a preparation period for Jason and I. Then there's a little thing I call "God's timing". I truly believe that God's timing is perfect. Unfortunately, our time and his don't always coincide with each other which is partly why it is so frustrating when you are in the waiting period.

Some people are of the opinion that the International Adoption process is a much easier and quicker process. I have not been involved with this process but can attest that even if the wait (in some cases) is shorter, the process itself is pretty much the same (other than tons of paperwork and lengthy travel). The wait time for a baby from another country is very dependent on that country's laws (which are always subject to change)and from my understanding, the availability of children that need good homes as well.

Just because we decided to adopt domestically does not mean that we thought our wait would be any shorter. We were told that for the age child that we wanted to adopt we were looking at a wait of anywhere from 1-5 years. 3 years and 8 months later, Hailey came into our lives. Life has never been the same since !

Lately, we have been asked if we would take this journey again. The answer to that question remains to be seen. We would love Hailey to have a sibling but are certainly not ready (emotionally or financially) to go on the roller coaster ride again. At the same time,if we want to do this again, we would need to start the whole process again soon. So, there are definitely decisions that need to be made. For now, we are happy to be the parents of our beautiful daughter !

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